Do you think that termites have infested your house? If so, take prompt action since termite damage can be serious and expensive to repair. Termites are destructive pests that can compromise your home’s wooden structures without being noticed for a long time. But when can these pests create enough home damage to require a major repair? The answer is that it depends on the kind of termite species present. But there is no reason to wait if you have noticed termite activity. Contact an expert at to get the problem addressed and free your home of those destructive pests.
How to Know You Have a Termite Problem
Texas is home to different species of termites such as subterranean termites, drywood termites, dampwood termites, and Formosan termites. Subterranean termites are common in the state and can cause extensive home damage. These species thrive in damp environments, feasting on wood. When it comes to a termite infestation, look for signs such as piles of sawdust, swarmers, mud tubes, and live termite workers and soldiers. By understanding their habits and behavior, you can prevent them from spreading and protect your property.
Termites Versus Ants
Both pests have similarities, but they are different creatures. Wood-infesting ants like moisture ants and carpenter ants nest in moisture-damaged wood. But termites thrive in these areas to eat cellulose in wood. You can identify a termite and an ant by taking a closer look at their winged swarmers. Both insects have two sets of wings; however, ants have a longer set of front wings. Termites’ two sets of wings are of the same length. If you are still not sure whether you have an ant or termite issue, a pest control expert can identify your problem and develop a treatment plan to eliminate it.
When Can Termite Destroy Your House?
A termite colony can destroy a house after years of damaging its wooden structures. If you are concerned about having a termite issue in your house, take preventative measures. Just make sure you stay away from pest control companies that sell expensive treatments before they inspect your property.
Annual termite inspections can help ensure termites do not infest your house. A reliable pest control services provider will inspect your property for evidence of termite damage.
Termite Extermination and Remediation
A moisture problem increases your home’s risk of termite infestations. Occasionally, inspect your house and look around for moist wood. Usually, subterranean termites start in crawlspaces where wood and soil meet without being noticed. A reputable pest control company can identify and eliminate a termite infestation and implement preventative measures to prevent recurrence. Their advanced methods and specialized knowledge ensure successful termite elimination and prevention against future attacks.
Factors that Determine When Termites Can Destroy Your House
The factors below can affect the rate at which wood-destroying insects like termites can damage your house:
- Kind of termite. Termite species vary in their rates of reproduction, spread, and consumption. The most destructive species are Subterranean termites. For one colony of these species, it takes 5-6 years to fully mature and cause damage to your home throughout this time.
- Colony age and size. New colonies begin small, with up to 100 members. They grow slowly over many years. Once the colony expands, its capacity for damage also does.
- Type of wood. Some termite species like softwoods such as pine and others avoid some hardwoods. While pressure-treated lumber can provide resistance, it loses effectiveness down the road. For example, pinewood in moist conditions offers a perfect source of food for termites, speeding up the damage process.
- Environmental factors. Termite activity increases in warmer climates, possibly causing year-round damage. Activity may slow down in winter.